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Highlights of Bills and New Laws in Virginia


每年一月,弗吉尼亚议会召开会议,考虑通过新法律和废除旧法律. 代表和州参议员每隔一年开会六周或八周,每年在预算投票时多开会两周, 比如今年. Generally, the new laws become effective on July 1st with exceptions for either immediate or delayed enactment. This year the General Assembly considered 3,722 bills. Some were continued to the 2019 session, others failed to pass both the Senate and House of Delegates, and some were vetoed by the governor, 结果大约是1,500条新法律. Here are highlights of some that passed and some that didn’t.

官方蝾螈——多亏了一小群年轻环保主义者的努力(费尔法克斯的“蝾螈拯救者4-H俱乐部”), 红蝾螈(Pseudotriton ruber)是从弗吉尼亚州发现的50多种蝾螈中挑选出来的,作为官方的州蝾螈. This designation joins other state symbols such as the official state beverage (milk), insect (tiger swallowtail butterfly), snake (eastern garter snake), and spirit (George Washington’s rye whiskey). HB 459 

CBD油和THC-A油—It’s still illegal to smoke marijuana in Virginia. Only nine states and the District of Columbia have approved recreational use of marijuana. 除四个州外,所有州都允许在医生处方的情况下将大麻或某种形式的大麻二醇(CBD)油或四氢大麻酚酸(TCH-A)油用于医疗. 弗吉尼亚州的新法律规定,医疗保健从业者可以开出处方,使用CBD油或TCH-A油进行治疗, or to alleviate the symptoms of, any diagnosed condition or disease determined by the practitioner to benefit from such use. 这是对先前法律的扩展,该法律限制了对缓解顽固性癫痫症状的使用. 该法案将油的供应从30天增加到90天,并减少了大麻植物稀释时每毫升大麻二酚或四氢大麻酚酸的最低含量,使其属于CBD油或四氢大麻酚a油的定义. 该法案包含紧急条款,因此在3月份州长通过并签署后立即生效. Hb 1251/ sb 726 

酒精糖果面包师, 冰淇淋机, 现在,其他人可以在他们的糖果中添加酒精,供室外食用,前提是酒精含量不超过5%,而且在出售这种糖果时酒精不是液态的. Hb 1602/ sb 61 

重大盗窃罪门槛-犯罪从轻微盗窃罪上升为重大盗窃罪时所取得的金钱或物品价值的起征点从200美元增加到500美元. Hb 1550/ sb 105 

Child Support Obligation and Modification of Spousal Support-新法律规定,当受子女抚养令约束的子女的父母之间存在多重监护安排时,子女抚养义务的计算方法. Hb 1361/ sb 981 和, 另一项新法律规定,根据联邦社会保障法,当支付人或配偶达到法定退休年龄时, 这应被视为情况的重大变化,并作为任何受配偶抚养令约束的人请求修改的依据.  SB 540 

Rear-facing Child Restraint Devices—Forward-facing child restraint devices until, 至少, 禁止儿童达到两岁或直到儿童达到制造商规定的最低身高和体重. Studies show rear-facing seats provide better protection for the child’s head, neck and spine when the vehicle is involved in a collision. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2019. HB 708 

Housing; Installation and Maintenance of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms-该法案为租赁物业的烟雾和一氧化碳报警器的安装和维护制定了标准. 该法案要求房东安装烟雾报警器,并每年证明报警器已经安装并保持良好的工作状态. The landlord is also required to install a carbon monoxide alarm upon request by a tenant. HB 609 

Driver’s Licenses and Street Signs—Upon request and proof of veteran status, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must issue driver’s licenses, 许可证, and identification cards displaying an indicator signifying that the holder is a veteran. HB 737 也, upon request and verification, 车管所必须张贴和维护标志,告知司机道路上或周围可能有残疾人. The disabilities specifically noted are deaf, 盲目的, and any person with autism or an intellectual or developmental disability. HB 505 

陪审团亚洲博彩平台排名的延期-该法案允许法院将一个人的陪审团亚洲博彩平台排名推迟到较晚的期限,如果该人是全日制学生,并在认可的公立或私立机构上课. HB 481 

狗与酒庄这项新法律允许养狗, 不仅仅是亚洲博彩平台排名性动物, inside and on the premises of a licensed distillery, a licensed winery or a licensed brewery, except in any area used for the manufacture or storage of food products.  HB 286 

浣熊狩猎-该法案的通过解除了禁止在周日凌晨2点以后猎杀浣熊的规定. Sb 375/ hb 239 

Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation; Yorktown Victory Center-约克镇胜利中心更名为美国革命博物馆. HB 335 


1972年,美国国会通过了《亚洲博彩平台排名》-联合决议主张,尽管决议条款规定的10年批准期已满,但该修正案仍然是可行的,可以得到批准, 修订的, in the proposal adopted by Congress. Disregarding the potential that it’s 36 years too late, the Virginia legislature still does not ratify the ERA. HJ 2 

禁止在公共场合骂人——废除禁止在公共场合骂人的法律的提案被提交给了委员会,未能通过众议院的全体投票,因此在公共场合骂人仍然是一种刑事犯罪(第4类轻罪). While the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution protects free speech, 美国最高法院承认了各州可以监管的几种言论. HB 31 

Reduction of Penalty for Adultery-该法案将通奸从刑事犯罪(第4类轻罪)降为民事犯罪,罚款不超过250美元. This bill was passed by the House but not make it out of committee in the Senate, 因此, it did not proceed to the governor for signing and does not become law. Hb 745/ sb 610 

Repeal of Fornication Statute鉴于2003年的美国经济危机. S. 最高法院先例 劳伦斯v. 德州 the Virginia Supreme Court (Va. 最高法院, 马丁五世. 的日子 2005年)裁定禁止通奸(未婚者与其他人发生性关系)的法律违宪, 然而, 法律仍在《亚洲博彩平台排名》内. 人们曾多次试图废除这一过时的法律,但目前的努力未能通过法院司法委员会. HB 138 

Repeal of Punitive Damages Limit-取消诉讼中可判的惩罚性损害赔偿总额限制. Current law provides a limit of $350,000. HB 1305 

This article is not intended to be comprehensive or complete. 选定的法案摘自退伍军人事务部立法事务处和其他来源编写的摘要. If any of these laws affect you personally, 你应该向律师咨询具体的问题,或者完整地阅读实际的法律. 

凯瑟琳Byler 是一个澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 & 亚洲博彩平台排名 attorney focusing her practice on real estate, 小型企业, 遗嘱, 信托及遗产事宜.

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